Thursday, January 22, 2009

Facade Chosen!


I have finally decided on which 'facade' to choose for the home. It's difficult to know how it will look, as there is no display home of the 'Victory 1800', due to it being new. However, Burbank have included an artist impression of the style. Which you can see below:

As there is not a great deal happening in terms of building (awaiting land release), I've decided to modify my floor plan as to how I plan to deck it out. You can see this floor plan below:


  1. Nice work on the modified plan chief. Just one thing... I think you need more room for the pool table. Move the kitchen outside completely... bigger pool table...

    Looking good mate

  2. Move the sliding door from your TV room to your billiards room, have a complete wall where the door was in the TV room and you can have the furniture against the other wall opening that room up.
